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Profitability Coaching

Getting to where you want to go is not easy. You can start out each day with the goal of accomplishing something important, but life gets in the way. This is where a coach comes in handy to help keep you on the path to creating that vision of what you want your business to be.

Who should consider Coaching?

This program was specifically designed for the business owner with problems:

  • The problem of low profits and looking for ideas and help with producing changes.

  • The problem of not knowing if profitability is too low.  Companies going through periods of growth must expand their capacity. Developing this excess will show up on the financial statements as ever increasing overhead obscuring the true level of profitability. Maybe the situation will fix itself once sales levels off or maybe the growth is hiding an oncoming disaster due to low profitability. 

How it Works

Each week or every other week, depending upon the plan you choose, we meet via telephone or video conferencing to discuss how you can make your business more profitable. Prior to each meeting you receive a prepared agenda detailing the planned discussions.  After each meeting a summary of the discussions and todo list for the next meeting will be sent.

Typically, the coaching sessions go through the following phases:

  1. The first few meetings are devoted to understanding your vision and where you are today.

  2. The next phase involves the decisions on how you want to measure profitability and your other business goals. 

  3. Then comes exploring and evaluating the options on how to get to your vision. 

  4. Action plans are next along with putting the measurement systems in place.

  5. Feedback from the measurements and testing the strategy leads to continual adjustments to the plans.

I use the word "typically" because every client is different and it is my job as the coach to keep each client moving in the right direction at a speed they are comfortable with.

What are the topics we cover in our coaching sessions?

The primary purpose is improving profitability. The approaches to accomplishing that include:

  • Clarifying your vision of what your want your company to become.

  • Identifying what it is that makes your company unique.

  • Determining which business processes are critical to your success and which ones need to be only adequate.

  • Grading your critical processes and producing prioritized lists on what must be done to make them be what they need to be.

  • Developing your product pricing methods to get that extra one or two percent.

  • Managing your projects so that they don't overwhelm your staff.

  • Regular reevaluation of strategy in order discard what is not working and take advantages of new opportunities.  

Coaching Packages Available
Coach Packages
Our Guarantee

At the end of any session or month if you are not completely delighted, we will refund every single penny of your investment for that session or month... with no hassle and no questions asked. In other words, you have an unconditional 100% money back guarantee .

Skills that I Bring to the Table
  • CPA with decades of experience working with small business accounting and tax problems.

  • Software project management experience.

  • Product Pricing Expertise - Optimizing the price for your products is the number one lever available for most business owners to improve their profitability.

  • Business Process Management - The reason why your business costs what it does to operate. 

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